What other birds can be kept with budgies? It's never a good idea to mix parrot species in a cage. It sometimes works if you have a very large outdoor aviary. Budgies can
What does a wild Budgerigar look like? The Wild BudgerigarMelopsittacus undulatus
Budgerigars generally have yellowish green colouring on the back of head, sides of neck and upper back. The wing is a
When are budgies considered adults? A fledgling is a baby budgie just out of the nest and its first couple of weeks out and about.
At its first moult it is
What age should I clip a budgies wings? If you are a breeder or pet shop going to sell budgies the best time to clip their wings is after they have fledged and
When do Budgies Reach Maturity
Hens can reach sexual maturity at 5-6 months, but it takes up to 18 months before they are physically and emotionally mature. They should not
Why does my budgie bite me? This is exactly what you should be asking yourself any time your budgie bites. Why is it happening? Is your bird scared? Is she protecting
Will my budgie talk? Many people ask the question will my budgie talk?The answer to that question is "maybe"There are different factors in involved. Lets review them.Is your budgie
What age can I start taming budgies?
If you are a breeder and are looking to sell tame babies or want a tame baby for yourself here are so tips from our
Weighing your Budgie Budgies are notorious for suddenly falling severely ill and/or passing away with seemingly no warning. One good indicator of illness is their droppings but sometimes
Worming my Budgie
In the United Stated and Canada you will find that worming your budgies is not a very common practice but in other countries such as
What is a Crop? The crop is a sack where the birds food is stored before it is processed by the gizzard.
All birds have a crop and its
What is Molting?
Posted this topic so anyone wondering what moulting is all about....here are some examples.
Moulting is a budgie replacing its feathers which it will do
Why shouldn’t I feed an all pellet diet? One of the problems with some owners converting to an all pellet diet is that it provides too high a dose of calcium. Testing has
What is a show bird A show bird (also known as an exhibition budgerigar or English Budgerigar) is a bird that has been bred to 'show' or be judged in
Who can show birds? Anyone is able to show birds, as long as they are registered with a Budgerigar or Bird Club. In many cases these clubs will allow
What is the diet of a show bird? Show birds are feed the same basic feed as any other budgie but the breeders usually demand a better quality seed that has a higher
What to do if your hen plucks the babies? METHOD #1:PERSPEX DOORS ON NESTING BOXES: this has saved many a chick from `down plucking' and `feather plucking'. It is imperative that when the perspex
When will the hen sit on the eggs When can I expect her to actually sit the eggs and start the incubation process? Hens will start to sit usually when the 3rd egg
When will the chicks feed themselves? Babies are best left for parents to feed and raise. You can handle them daily so they get hand tamed and used to you, but
When can I start handling the chick? You can handle your baby chicks right away but with precautions. Below are tips, ideas and what to expect. Handling your chicks, inspecting them after