Melopsittacus undulatus
Budgerigars are found mostly in the interior arid areas of Australia.. Budgerigars live in open grassland, dry mallee, spinifex and mulga scrubland as well as open woodland and savannah with acacia and eucalyptus; agricultural areas; not usually found far from water courses and river banks
Budgerigars are flocking birds. Usually found in flocks varying in sizes between 20 and several hundred birds. It has been known that occasionally huge flocks of 25,000 or more can be observed
Budgerigar's diet usually consists of seeds of various grasses with consumption of up to 5 grams of food per day.
Budgerigars breed virtually all year in all areas. However prefers period between August and January in southern parts of Australia and from June to September in northern parts. The availability of abundant food triggers breeding activity. Budgerigars breed in loose colonies, nesting in hollow branches of living and dead trees. Nesting holes are at least 25 cm (10 ins) deep; lined with chewed rotten wood chips as well as dust and dirt. Clutches average around 4 or 5 eggs but can be as much as 9. Eggs measures 18.6 x 14.2 mm (0.73 x 0.56 ins). Incubation takes 18 days and usually only 40% hatch. The female sits on the eggs alone and is fed by male. The chicks fledge in 5 weeks, but there is a high mortality rate among young after leaving nest. The parents cease to feed the chicks within few days and the young are forced to fend for themselves. The adults often begin breeding again. The young chicks tend to gather in flocks of their own. Full maturity occurs around 365 days.