Sometimes it is necessary to incubate eggs yourself. This can be due to your hen being ill and not having another hen to foster the eggs to.
Most bird specialists set the incubator dry temperature at 37.2 degrees C and it works well for most species. Acceptable extremes are 36.6 to 37.7 degrees C. The temperature should not fluctuate more than 0.2 degrees C either side of your chosen setting.
Eggs incubated at cooler temps may hatch several days later.
Warmer eggs hatch a little sooner (but don't put it warmer then needed because it could damage the chick or cause death).
For best information on this subject a book called a Guide to Incubation and Handraising parrots by Phil Digney is terrific for all the help you need.
The temperatures above are measured in degrees celcius. Convert to Fahrenheit if necessary for your incubator.