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  • Spellcheck Installation for Internet Explorer IE
    Installation Instructions For Internet Explorer ONLY Go to the ieSpell web site by clicking this link: Click on any of the "download now" links
  • Should I purchase one or two budgies?
    When purchasing your first budgie, it is best to get just one. This will make taming much much easier as two budgies are more likely
  • Sexing my budgie
    Visuals: Pictures to Help Sex your BudgieSexing my budgieGenerally the colour of a budgie's cere (the coloured area at the top of the beak surrounding
  • Signs of a healthy budgie
    The good points to look for are: - 1. A bright, healthy, alert bird with sleek feathering, sitting up proudly on the perch. 2. Are the
  • Signs of a sick budgie
    The are many common illnesses that affect budgies, all of which have similar symptoms. Take your budgie to see an Avian Vet if you are
  • Sprout your Own Seed
    You can use bird seed, alfafa, suflower, pea, the list is endless. Pop some seeds in a jar (don't fill too full, they will swell). Cover
  • Standard Requirement, for a Spangle
    Spangle Violet Cobalt (Visual Violet) Eye Normal Wing Feather Spangle Wing Feather Cheek Patch Body Colour Tail Feathers Note: A good contrast in markings is
  • Standard Requirement for Yellowface Type I
    Yellowface Skyblue Type 1 - Heterozygous Homozygous (Double Factor Yellow Face which is visually white) Cheek Patches Body Colour Tail
  • Standard Requirement, for Opaline
    Opaline Skyblue Cheek Patches Body Colour Tail Feather Note that the Opalines shall have an area between the top of the
  • Standard Requirement, for Grey and Greygreen
    Grey Greygreen Cheek Patches Body Colour Tail Feather Note that Greys and Greygreens has black tail feathers. The Greys must
  • Standard Requirement, for Lutinos and Albinos
    Above: Albino Above: Lutino Cheek Patches Body Colour - on the Lutino would be White on the Albino - Lutino
  • Standard Requirement, for a Danish Pied
    Standard Requirement, for a Danish Pied (Recessive Pied), this is a recessive gene. Light Green Green Olive Cheek Patches  Body Color Tail Color The wings of the Danish Pied should have
  • Standard Requirement, for Australian Dominant Pied
    Standard Requirement, for Australian Dominant Pied Skyblue Cobalt Cheek Patch Patterns Body Color Tail feathers For Greens: Clear buttercup yellow, dark blue or a mixture of both For Blues:
  • Standard Requirement, for a Greywing
     Skyblue (50% dilutation throughout the body and wings are grey)                           Full-Body Greywing (body color is bright and wings are grey)      Grey _______________________________________________________________________________ Cheek
  • Standard Requirement, For A Lt Green, Dk Green Or Olive Bird.
    Normal Green Dark GreenOlive  Cheek Patch  Body Colour Tail Feather Note: There should be no Green colour in the Wings. To understand the Dark Factors that
  • Show Standard: Skyblue, Cobalt, Mauve
    Skyblue (No Dark Factors)               Cobalt (1 dark factor)                 Mauve (2 dark factors) Cheek Patches Body Color Tail Feather Note: There should be no blue
  • Standards for cheek spots, throat spots?
    Cheek spots are found on the cheeks of the bird.  Throat spots are found on the neck of the bird and are sometimes called the necklace.
  • Studding Services
    That is a matter for the breeders. Some club members may do this for nothing. You still have to remember to always quarantine for at least 35 days. Then
  • Standards for different mutations
    Check out our Show Standards and read about the mutation you are looking for. Show Standards
  • Splayed Legs
    Some chicks end up with what is called splayed legs. Its where the legs stick out each side and not underneath them. There are a
  • Signs of a hen in breeding condition
    (under construction on adding more information) Click here to see pictures of hens' ceres in breeding condition Members' Hens in Breeding Condition
  • Sexing Budgies
    Visuals: Pictures to Help Sex your BudgieSexing my budgieGenerally the colour of a budgie's cere (the coloured area at the top of the beak surrounding
  • Seed Bells
    SEED BELLS Ingredients small terra-cotta pots microwave-safe plastic wrap or plastic oven bag length of firm wire (coat-hanger type is fine) birdseed of your choice (measure
  • Seed Blends (s) for Birds
    Finch Mix 1 part canary seed 1 part hemp (if available) 1/2 part white millet 1/2 part Siberian millet Mix and store in containers. Canary Mix
  • Seed Sticks
    Treat Sticks Preheat oven to 300 degrees and place a foil lined cookie sheet inside it Ingredients: 1 cup mixed seed/pellets 1 tsp. honey (or use corn syrup and
  • Soft Food Stew
    Soft Food Stew 1 cup corn kernels 1 cup dried beans 1 cup brown rice 1 cup fruits or nuts cinnamon, cloves, ginger (season as needed). This mixture is very similar
  • Safe paint to use for bird house, wire, aviary etc..
    Use non toxic, water base paint.Any rust spots should be sanded back to bare metal and treated with a rust preventitive. It should be allowed