What age can I start taming budgies?

If you are a breeder and are looking to sell tame babies or want a tame baby for yourself here are so tips from our breeders on the website.

Member Neat
If you can hand raise them and know how to crop feed, Then you can take it out of the box 1 week earlier. However I recommend waiting until it has fledged. You will notice to, the more time you spend with the chicks in the nest box the more they become use to you and the taming process is also alot quicker.

Member melbournebudgies:
I start handling all my chicks for taming from the time they open their eyes, before this I just handle them as necessary to check on them and make sure they are developing properly. I have raised some gorgeous tame babies this way and the parents do all the hard work I take one chick out at a time, normally just after they have had a feed so I know they won't miss anything important and handle them for ten minutes each.

No matter what techinque you use remember to always before you handle the chicks to wash your hands throughly before and after each handling.

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