Chlamydia psittaci
Chlamydia psittaci
C. psittaci's ability to mystify us does not end with classification. It can cause disease in humans, other mammals ...
Why does my budgie bite me?
This is exactly what you should be asking yourself any time your budgie bites. Why is it happening? Is your ...
Nesting Box Information
Nest box design, size, shape, and material of construction have been a matter of preference. A standard box is approximately ...
Raven Birdie Bread Recipe

Raven's Birdie Bread Recipe
I find that my breeding pairs love the basic recipe for feeding young chicks, and I put ...
Signs of a sick budgie
The are many common illnesses that affect budgies, all of which have similar symptoms. Take your budgie to see an ...
Can I breed young budgies?
Don't look here for approval!!!!
Breeding Budgies under age isn't a good thing to do!
Why you ask -
Well lets state ...
Creating a Plan
When many decide to get into the show budgerigar side they are usually looking at the open class birds on ...
Mineral Blocks #2
Mineral blocks
"Most mineral blocks on the market are hard. Here is a basic recipe you can work
with. Plaster-of ...