The chicks keep jumping out of the nesting box


As many of you know, I have 3 pairs with young ones and many of them are jumping out of the nest box, only to find themselves stuck on the floor of the cage. I pick them up and put them back in the nest box, but then they just jump out again the next day.   by member:  dmcminn

Solution:   I use ice cream containers with the lid.

First cut an arched section out of the ice cream container on one side cutting in from the top edge of the ice cream container.

Turn it over and you have achieved an igloo kind of structure.

Then clip the lid onto it and put a layer of nesting material into it. If the babies go to the floor of the breeding cabinet and especially through the night when it is cold, they find their way into the little icecream igloo.

Pop it into a corner with the arch section facing towards them so they find their way in easily. You can put a spray of millet in the igloo as well.  You should also lower the water containers so they do have access to water or some moisture so they do not dehyrate. (**KAZ**)

Click here for example of Kaz's Ice Cream Igloo The cock should continue to feed them. If the chicks are older then 28 days they should be ok.  You can also make timber shelters similar to the above. I place it under the seed container when the oldest reaches 28 days. (daz)