Here you can see questions asked by other users. If you answer these questions, your answers may be inserted into the FAQ.
Date / User | Question | |
29-Apr-2012 09:00 Minhas |
Budgerigar Breeding: How long a pair usually takes to bond a breeding pair? I have put one Cock and a Hen in a separate cage since last 3 weeks but no signs of love between them, what should I do in this regards? |
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18-Jun-2012 12:05 Dustin WInzer |
Welcome Center: To budgie lovers of perth. We have had Boris for many years and he has outlived several of his companions who have sadly passed on. I and my parents love him dearly and would like him to live out the rest of his days in the company of other budgies. He has had many adventures and was once a homeless bird found in Margaret River by myself flying free, scared and exhausted. Buying another campanion bird is not an option for me unfortunately,as my parents care for him when i work away. I would like to hear from anyone who can help me find a budgie keeper who cares for animals as much as me, and would like to have one more freindly bird for company. We have been advertising in the quokka for quite some time but all the responses are for people only interested in getting something for free, instead of what i would prefer , which is a bird lover. I am happy to make a contribution to any club or suitable keeper that has space in an aviary for a lovely green and yellow man. I can also send photos of him if that would help. Looking forward to any responses or some guidance in this matter. Please pass this email on. Dustin Winzer |
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18-Jun-2012 12:12 Dustin Winzer |
Welcome Center: To budgie lovers of perth. We have had Boris for many years and he has outlived several of his companions who have sadly passed on. I and my parents love him dearly and would like him to live out the rest of his days in the company of other budgies. He has had many adventures and was once a homeless bird found in Margaret River by myself flying free, scared and exhausted. Buying another campanion bird is not an option for me unfortunately,as my parents care for him when i work away. I would like to hear from anyone who can help me find a budgie keeper who cares for animals as much as me, and would like to have one more freindly bird for company. We have been advertising in the quokka for quite some time but all the responses are for people only interested in getting something for free, instead of what i would prefer , which is a bird lover. I am happy to make a contribution to any club or suitable keeper that has space in an aviary for a lovely green and yellow man. I can also send photos of him if that would help. Looking forward to any responses or some guidance in this matter. Please pass this email on. Dustin Winzer |
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13-Jul-2012 04:41 Trish |
Budgie Behaviour: My family just got a new budgie. He is young - though we don't know his actual age - and has some odd behaviors. He hangs upside down for some lengths of time, flys by rapidly pumping his wings rather like a humming bird does, and will fall asleep on his back on my hand though he does not like being in my hand standing. None of the budgies we've had in the past behaved like this... So my questions are: Are these behaviors normal for some budgies? Why does he hang upside down? |
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16-Jul-2012 08:18 Jenny |
Food and Nutrition: Why is it not well-known that just a bird seed & fruit diet is insufficient for a budgie? I took my very ill little budgie to an avian vet today & whilst waiting to see the vet, I was reading some of their literature & was quite amazed to read that standard seed mixtures are incomplete, unbalanced & generally unhealthy. They went on to quote that seed is generally high in fat & carbs & low in vitamins & minerals & generally considered junk food. Also stated that feeding birds seed only diet results in malnutrition, a shorter life span & often fatty liver disease. Their recommendation - pelleted bird food which comes in crumbles or pellets & are nutritionally complete. Give by gradual conversion from the regular bird seed. Also feed fruit, veges, etc. Here I was thinking that I was doing the very best for my darling budgie by buying her a good brand seed mix, but I now find she is overweight & very unwell. There should be more publicity out there for bird owners to ensure they are made aware of this fact. Two budgie owners waiting in the surgery were also amazed, just like I was, to read that bird seed is a no no. |
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15-Aug-2012 07:10 Tyler |
Budgie Mutations: Is this a full-body greywing? |
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30-Aug-2012 16:44 Fergus |
Welcome Center: Greetings Admin, I tried creating an account with the forum however was unable to do so as I kept encountering an error which is as mentioned below. The email address you used is not accepted by this community. Please select a different email address. I tried using a yahoo and gmail account to sign up as well however I still got the same error message. Was wondering if you could rectify the problem so that I may proceed to sign up? Thanks. Regards, Fergus |
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10-Sep-2012 09:04 lynaette |
Budgie Behaviour: my new baby budgie kepps running back and forwards along the floor and not settling down. looks to be trying to get out |
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25-Sep-2012 18:42 sohail |
Budgie Mutations: standard requirement for fallows |
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25-Sep-2012 19:01 sohail |
Budgerigar Health And Related: my 5 baby budgies lost their wings and tail feathers out of 52.but they looks healthy and active but cant fly |
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19-Dec-2012 09:54 Roslyn Smith |
Budgie Behaviour: My young budgie spends alot of time trying to turn himself upside down.He does this by putting one leg on the perch the other on the bars of the cage then putting his head between his legs and then he is almost inside out. |
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22-Jan-2013 19:02 laura |
Welcome Center: my budgie has several eggs and I think one is broken. The first one is due to hatch on the 26th Jan. Anyway she wont let me near the egg to check it. Can I pick it up to check? If it is broken what do I do with it? |
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03-Mar-2013 23:25 Eliseo |
Budgerigar Breeding: My baby budgies are over a month old and fully feathered but their nest box is a Quaker nest box so I am afraid it's too big for the babies to get out. Should I take them out myself? |
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07-May-2013 10:07 Richardson |
Budgerigar Health And Related: Have had a new very young budgie for a month. When bought was 4 wks old, now 8 wks. Am very concerned as he seemed to have some kind of fit, possibly after hitting his head, not sure if this was before, or after. He now at times displays strange behaviour, as if episodes of extreme excitement, and cant settle, or just gets very fearful, spooked maybe. Am worrid he may hurt himself, or has epilepsy?but eager to get him out, and about. Is this normal for a very young budgie to just flip in mood etc. thank you |
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06-Jul-2013 14:41 Rachel Wright |
Budgerigar Breeding: Should i give my budgies egg biscuit mix when they have eggs or wait until chicks are hatched? also is is recommended to give dry of wet? |
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31-Aug-2013 22:54 Kate |
Budgerigar Breeding: Hi, we had the dad budgies escape from a breeding cage 2 days ago(30 aug). Mum is sitting on 6 eggs due to hatch early September and rarely leaves box. I am worried that she will not be able to raise the 6 babies by herself and hand feeding is not an option. This is her second clutch - first clutch of 2.infertile and 3 dead babies in eggs and she started laying the second clutch ( all appear fertile this time) before I had removed the first so she has been sitting contiuously on eggs for over 40 days. My options are:- 1) do nothing and hope she can manage by herself. 2) introduce another male in the hope that he will court her over the next few days and then assist with baby feeding once babies have hatched. Threat - he may hurt them? 3) Let another current dad assist her. She is in a double breeding cage. I could remove the centre partition and hope that the other brilliant dad will look after both clutches. The other clutch has 1 egg left and 6 babies and is the second clutch for that pair. The father is a brilliant dad who feeds and sits on eggs and babies. 4) transfer all or some of the eggs to the other pair. I was considering transferring one or two eggs to the other clutch while there is still an egg left in the aecond clutch. This could preserve at least some of the babies from our lost dad and reduce the load on the single mum. I guess there is a chance that the other mum could reject the eggs - even smash them.. If I was to transfer all the eggs over time, i worry that a possible clutch of 13 may be too much for my brilliant parents. Would appreciate any suggestions /comments to help me work this one out. |
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14-Sep-2013 05:11 Sonya Contarino |
Budgie Behaviour: I have 2 female budgies and 1 male budgie. The 2 females have had baby's, but 1 female budgie had killed the other 2 female budgies babys that were 2 weeks old. What should I do if the female budgies has baby's again? Will she kill them again? |
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22-Oct-2013 12:23 Rachel |
Budgerigar Health And Related: Hi everyone! This is my first time on here :) I have a question regarding our disabled budgie. I bought him from a breeder out of the nest to hand rear (he was one of 3). Everyone else developed normally except for this little guywho is now named Paul :) He walks with his foot raised and uses his joint as a stump. He has occasionally moved his toes and does use the foot for scratching himself. Is there anything i can do to help him?? I contacted the breeder and she told me to bring him back and she would give me my money back. I have since found out that she doesn't have the best rep and i refuse to take this little guy back as we have all fallen in love with him. I have kitted out his cage with polar fleece blankets so he can get around but there must be more i can do. Please help i am new to hand rearing and never come across this problem before .Pauls mum x |
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11-Sep-2014 02:21 carol bevans |
General Budgerigar FAQs: my budgie's urine/stool has started to have a very foul smell otherwise he seems healthy |
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22-Dec-2014 04:23 Ustorf |
Budgie Mutations: What type of budgie is he? I just got Tesla today, and I am 90% sure he is a fallow, except he doesn't have the ruby eyes! He has the pink beak and feet, proper markings, but I'm not sure his type, can anyone help? |
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01-Mar-2015 15:50 Anna |
Budgerigar Health And Related: My new budgie has red spots on his cere and some dark parts on his beak. he also looks as if he is breathing hard. Is he sick? |
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22-Jun-2015 23:37 Helena |
General Budgerigar FAQs: I want to know the sex of mx budgie's |
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19-Sep-2015 13:24 Sam |
Aviaries, Cages and Breeding Boxes: Hi I would like to know if I can move mum and dad budgie and their babies which are in a breeding box to a larger cage ? |
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10-Dec-2016 17:07 Daniel Gregory |
Welcome Center: for some reason, when I try to sign up, the email isnt accepted and I also tried my parents' and it still wont accept, can someone please help me? |
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14-Dec-2016 15:04 Gary gersch |
Welcome Center: Is the use of peppermint oil in room where my bids are harmful to birds? |
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04-Feb-2017 11:15 Kevin Moran |
Budgerigar Health And Related: Budgie seen some to fall of his perch then goes in a trance at bottom of cage for a couple of hours and doesn't move then comes round |
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04-Jan-2019 15:42 MZG |
Budgerigar Health And Related: I live in the northern part of China, and it gets really cold during winter. My question is: at what temperature can my newly hatched budgie chicks survive? |
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26-Jun-2019 11:01 Leah Brown |
Budgie Behaviour: I originally started out with a male and female. They had 2 cluthes of eggs. I recently added what I think is a new young female to the cage. My male now shows his attention to her and my older female is off by herself and can get snippy with the male. Is this normal? Should I add another male or remove the junvinile female and find a young male for her? Thank you. |
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