Raven Birdie Bread Recipe

Raven's Birdie Bread Recipe

I find that my breeding pairs love the basic recipe for feeding young chicks, and I put this in the cage at night. But the non-breeding budgies enjoy it as a nice treat. Can also be used for larger birds!

1 cup cornmeal or polenta
2 tsp. finely ground cuttlebone
1 cup millet/seed
2 tbsp. honey
1/4 cup whole wheat flour
2 eggs
4 egg yolks
1/4 cup of soaked pellets or baby bird formula/starter
2 tsp peanut oil or linseed oil (substitute vegetable oil if necessary)
1/4 cup of fresh fruit juice
1/2 cup of vegetables, fruits, or nuts (diced, mashed, grated or crushed)
1/2 cup of Wheat Germ 3 tbsp. cut oat groats

Mix the ingredients and pour into 1 medium or 2 small flour-coated bread loaf tins. Bake at 350 degrees F for 30 minutes. Allow to cool, then cut into slices and serve.

You can store the unused bread in a sealed container with a small slice of bread to keep the moisture.

posted by Ravengypsy

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