Types of toys for my budgie?

Budgerigars enjoy toys and need them for mental stimulation. Try to keep quite a few in the cage (while being careful not to clutter it) and rotate new ones in regularly to keep your budgie from becoming bored. It is best to avoid mirrors and imitation bird figures as your budgie may bond to these thinking they are another real bird. This can cause problems during training because your budgie will prefer the other "bird" to you.

Please ensure that all toys are non-toxic and safe for your budgie. Be careful that there are no loose strands that can tangle in your bird's feet or sharp edges. When buying toy ladders, ensure that the gap isn't so small that your budgie could be come stuck. Most budgies enjoy olympic ring toys, lattice balls with bells inside, and other toys that hang and make noise. Shredder toys are great for budgies as they love to chew, especially females.

Give your bird at least 2-3 toys to keep him/her busy.  But, not too many - your budgie should be able to move about freely without bumping into any in the cage.  Rotate toys weekly (suggested) to keep him/her interested.

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