The hen layed an egg outside of the nestbox

Occasionally you will have a hen that lays her eggs outside of the nest box; usually off one of the perches. Mostly it will be a young or inexperienced hen.

When this occurs, pick the egg up from the cage floor and inspect it to ensure it is not cracked, dented or leaking any fluids. If it appears undamaged place it in the box. If this happens again two days later, place that one in there also. If any of these eggs are damaged place a marble or imitation egg in the nest box in its place. If by the third egg, the hen still has not laid in the box foster the eggs to another hen. (foster meaning transfer the eggs to another nesting pair.)

With the occasional egg that is dragged out of the nest box as a result of being stuck to abdominal feathers, make sure that it is undamaged and clean and place it back into the box. If a hen is throwing her eggs out of the box, place marbles in their place. If this habit continues take her eggs away as soon as they are laid and foster them.