Mineral Blocks #2

Mineral blocks

"Most mineral blocks on the market are hard. Here is a basic recipe you can work
with. Plaster-of -Paris is the hardening element. Try adding less of the plaster-of-
Paris than the recipe calls for.

2 cups plaster-of-paris
1 tablespoon calcium phosphate
1/4 teaspoon iodized salt
1/4 cup blue mineral grit
1 tablespoon of trace minerals

Trace minerals can be obtained from a veterinary supply house. The calcium phosphate
can be purchased from a pet shop or supply house.

Mix the above ingredients with just enough water to make a very thick paste. The
mixture is then poured into ice cube trays until it starts to set up. While it is still
soft, bend a piece of wire into a (u) shape. Place the wire down in the center of the
cube. After drying hard, the wire will make it possible to fasten the mineral block to
a wire cage. Make sure blocks dry completely before using."

Plaster of Paris is a synthetic, man made material, which is composed essentially of
plaster or plastic. It is often used to make the non cement walls of garages or
basements. The material is non toxic and will not harm the birds if they chew/eat off
of your mineral block. Plaster of Paris is a stable material, so the mineral block
will be sturdy for your birds to use.

Posted by Kaz

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