Mineral Block #3


3 cups of Oats
1/2 cup of Processed Bran
1/2 cup of Wheat Germ
1/2 cup of Egg and Biscuit
4 Carrots
6 hard boiled Eggs
6 Endive leaves OR
Bunch of Parsley

Mix dry ingredients together in a bowl.
Put hard boiled eggs including the shell in food processor then add processed egg to dry mixture
Finely cut carrots then blend in the food processor.
Add carrots to dry mix.
Finely chop endives and/or parsley (we usually alternate between the endives and parsley every few days)
Add chopped endives/ parsley to mix.
Mix well.

The mixture can be stored in an airtight container in the fridge for a few days. We lessen the recipe as needed, but we feed morning and night with the soft food, so we do tend to go through a lot.

We also supply our birds with eucalyptus branches and leaves twice a week, fed in the morning after their first big morning feed and the leaves are taken out a few hours before lights out to ensure chicks are fed seed and soft feed for the night.

Hope this helps. It sure has improved the crops on our little ones.

Posted by Kaz

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