Beak Care
The beak is a multipurpose instrument used for eating, preening, grasping, climbing (like a third foot), self-defense, touching, playing and ...
Checklist: Healthy Living Environment
Housing: It is your responsibility to
make sure your bird's living environment is safe. Since birds are
naturally curious you ...
Breeding Budgies - What do I need?
Before you make the decision to breed your budgies you need to ask yourself some questions: have you thoroughly researched what ...
Lost or Found Budgie
LOST BUDGIE -This is probably one of the most horrible feelings, when your feathered friend becomes lost.
Here are some ...
Treatment For Mites
Parasitic Diseases Scaley Face MitesBudgies with a crusty cere, feet and vent are usually infested with the Knemidokoptes mite. Most budgies ...
Breeding Age
Both males and females should be at least 1 year old before being bred.Some breeders even recommend waiting until at ...
Do birds need vets?
This is likely to get lengthy but I promise the information is worth reading. Though, if your budgie is actually ...
When do Budgies Reach Maturity
Hens can reach sexual maturity at 5-6 months, but it takes up to 18 months before they are physically and ...
Budgie Milestones
By Betty Rea (permission given to Kaz to post on the site)
When I first began breeding I ...
How to Breed Budgies
YOU WILL NOT GAIN MONEY BY BREEDING BUDGIES!There are many things that need to be considered before a nest box ...
Colony Breeding vs Closed Breeding
Colony Breeding vs Closed BreedingThere are 2 different methods of breeding to consider if you are planning on breeding your ...
Care of baby budgies in the nest
I am going to share some knowledge I have of care of budgie babies in the nest. Firstly, when new ...
Different Types of Budgie Behavior
Budgie Behavior
Understanding what your Budgie is trying to tell you can be hard at times… especially when some behaviors ...
How to tell you have a young budgie
Here is a guideline to tell if you have a young budgie (scroll down for enlarged picture) detailing what to ...
Budgies life expectancy?
On average budgies can live anything from 10 - 15 years. Very occasionally, budgies have been known to live well into their teens. ...