Lost or Found Budgie

LOST BUDGIE -This is probably one of the most horrible feelings, when your feathered friend becomes lost.

Here are some steps you can do to try and locate your budgie and bring him back home safely.

Don't assume he is gone forever because he flew right out
Don't assume because he is clipped that he is done for
Do know that with immediate action on your part your chances of finding him/her will be higher.

Call all the vets in your area and ask them how you can go about posting a flyer about your lost budgie.  You may have to come in or they may do it for you

  1. Go to www.petfinders.com and you can post a lost ad for FREE and in Australia you can go here Lost Pets
  2. Make up simple flyers of your budgies, add your name, contact information, description of your budgie
  3. Do leave out a cage with water and your budgies favorite treat
  4. If you have other budgies put them within hearing shot of the cage sometimes your other budgies will call him/her back. 
  5. Budgies can fly many miles so don't assume they will stick around. You can put flyers around surrounding cities and call vets in those areas about putting up a lost notice

Lastly don't give up hope here is a heartwarming story from one of our own BBC members at the end of this post.

FOUND BUDGIE - If you are the lucky one to have found a budgie here are some steps that you can do to see if you can locate the ower.

  • Don't assume that he was let go on purpose especially if they are tame
  • Don't assume that the person doesn't care
  • Do assume they are missing their bird
  • Do assume that it was an accident
  1. Call the surround vets in and around your area to see if there is a lost notice
  2. check www.petfinders.com and the newspaper for lost and found

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