Instructions: How to Post Images/Pictures

Picture/Image Sizes: MUST be 640 x 480 pixels or under.

It is understood that not all images can be resized exactly, but if this is the case, you must attempt to get the pixel dimensions down to as close to 640 x 480 as possible.

Sizes deemed to large by Administrators or Moderators may be removed from posts or turned into links. On your post the edit line or a staff message will be added to your post if your pictures were turned into links and why.  If you repeatedly post oversized pictures a staff member will contact you and assist further.

Follow this to upload your photos to the forum for use in any post you make:

1. Join Photobucket and click "Join Up - It's free". Fill out what is needed and upload your pictures by logging into your account. It is a very safe and user friendly service.

2. You will need to click on the tab “my albums” followed by the sub-tab “albums & upload” once logged into your account. This page allows you to select where your images are located. In most cases, this will be on your computer. If this is the case, select “my computer” in the grey section entitled “from” on the left side of your screen. Before clicking “choose files” (which is where you will select your images to upload), be sure to select 320x240 pixels (medium) OR 640x480 pixels (large). SIZE is a big issue with photos, so remember to adjust this before uploading any files.

3. To choose the photos you wish to use, click on “choose files” and you will be directed to your computer files. Select the files you want to upload and click “open”. The files will automatically start uploading to Photobucket. If you wish to upload more than one file at a time, you can use the bulk uploader. This link is found just below where you would upload individual files. Photobucket will confirm your upload and ask you to enter image information. Enter this information and click “save and continue”. Your photo(s) are now in Photobucket and can be used on our forums.

4. Your uploaded images are now displayed below the image uploader. If you wish, you may click edit. This will take you to the new edit features. In here, you can crop, change colours and do almost anything to your photo. The most important feature is the RESIZE. Click on this button and enter your dimensions. If you make any changes to your image, click save and either overwrite existing image or save another copy.

5. To go back to the main Photobucket screen, click on "albums & uploads" (top left hand corner)

6. To add photos to your post on our forums, go back to the forum making sure you keep your Photobucket page open. Either start a new topic, or reply to one. When you want to add a picture, simply scroll down to the picture you want to add and click on the IMG code. This will copy it. Then go back to your post and paste it there (either ctrl v, or right click and paste). When you preview your topic or post your topic, your photo should appear and be the correct size. Please ensure your photo is the correct size by right clicking on it in your post and selecting “properties” and check the image dimensions. Ensure the dimensions are close to 640x480 pixels. If not, please remove your newly added code and repeat steps 2-6. If you are still unable to get a correctly sized image into your post, please make a new topic in this forum and staff will help you out.

By all means you can use other photo editing programs and hosting services, just remember to always put the IMG code into your posts and replies. For members, it can be annoying when you have to click on numerous links to view members photos, just because they can't be bothered resizing or don't know how. Often members will bypass your post and not even read it because of this. Please try to keep to the size limitations and if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask any of the staff. We are happy to help if you are willing to have a go and follow the rules.

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