Disaster Preparedness Shopping List For Birds

Disaster Preparedness Shopping List For Birds

Are you prepared to take care of your bird when a disaster strikes? If not, NOW is the time to stock up on the items that you will need so you will not get caught unprepared. Listed below is a handy shopping list for you to use. The next time you buy food or supplies for your bird, take this list with you. Don't put off doing what you should do now - it may just make the difference between being able to keep your bird alive when a disaster strikes.

Here are the supplies that you should have in a disaster kit for birds. Adjust the amounts, depending on the number of birds that you have.

1. FOOD: Have at least a (2) week supply at all times. Use the brand that your bird is used to eating. Store food in an air tight, water proof container. Rotate food at least once every (3) months.

2. GRAVEL (Not for all types of birds) - Have at least a (2) week supply at all times.

3. CUTTLE BONE AND/OR BEAK CONDITIONER: Always have an extra one on hand.

4. WATER FOR DRINKING AND CLEANING: Have at least a (2) week supply at all times. Store water in plastic containers and keep in a cool, dark place. Rotate water at least once every (2) months.

5. CLEANING SUPPLIES AND PAPER TOWELS: Have disinfectant and paper towels to clean the cage. Have at least a (2) week supply of whatever it is that you put on the bottom on the bird's cage (i.e., newspaper, butcher paper, gravel paper, etc.).

6. EXTRA SEED BOWLS AND WATER CONTAINERS: Have several seed cups and water containers to replace ones that might get broken. You may want to put an extra food and water dish in the cage, so that in case you forget to feed the bird in all the confusion, the bird will have plenty of food and water.

7. FIRST AID SUPPLIES AND BOOK FOR BIRDS: Check with your veterinarian to find out what he/she recommends you include in your first aid kit. Some suggested items include - kwik stop or cornstarch to stop bleeding, tweezers, heavy duty gloves (for handling the bird if it is injured and trying to bite), bandaging materials. Click here to see Budgie First Aide Kit

8. NET AND TOWEL: A long handled net with small enough openings so that your bird cannot poke its head through and a heavy towel, in case your bird escapes and you have to recapture it. A heavy towel or blanket should be in with your supplies in case the disaster strikes when it is cold and you have to cover the cage to keep the bird warm.

9. EVACUATION CAGE : You should have a small cage for transporting (evacuating) your bird and be sure it is one that your bird cannot chew its way out of.

10. FLASH LIGHT AND EXTRA BATTERIES: This is used to regulate light hours for your bird, which is important for your birds health.

In addition to having the above supplies, here are some other additional suggestions for keeping your bird safe:

Take some recent pictures of your bird, including any distinguishing marks. This is to help you locate your bird should it get loose during a disaster. Include yourself in some of the pictures for proof of ownership.

You may want to consider getting your bird microchipped. Check with your veterinarian for more information about this permanent form of identification, which works great with birds since you can't put a collar and a tag around their neck.

If your bird is on long term medication, be sure you always have at least a (2) week supply on hand. Your veterinarian may not be able to open for awhile after the disaster has struck to fill prescriptions.

Check with your veterinarian to see if he/she has a disaster plan should your bird need emergency care following a disaster. Locate a back up veterinarian just in case yours is not available. Finding an Avian Vet

If you are going on vacation and leaving your bird with someone, be sure you have discussed with them a plan to take care of your bird in the event of a disaster.

Check to make sure your cage is secure. All opening doors and a removable top or bottom on your cage, should be fastened to prevent them from opening during a disaster - and your bird escaping. You can use twist ties or metal ring closures to secure the cage. You should also secure the cage to a wall, using a hook and eye. Be sure you do not keep the cage under a shelf, where objects might fall during a disaster, or keep the cage near a window that might break during a disaster. Keep a pair of pliers and wire in your disaster supplies to make any necessary repairs to the cage after a disaster.


Courtesy of United Animal Nation's Emergency Animal Rescue Service
For more information please contact EARS at (800) 440-EARS
OR visit http://www.uan.org

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