How time consuming can it become?
Everyone is different this is what I personally for my budgies .I spend 1/2 hour every morning feeding restocking the ...
Chlamydia psittaci
Chlamydia psittaci
C. psittaci's ability to mystify us does not end with classification. It can cause disease in humans, other mammals ...
To clip or not to clip?
Wing ClippingShould you or shouldn?t you?This is by far one of the most controversial topics among bird owners and a ...
Checklist: Healthy Living Environment
Housing: It is your responsibility to
make sure your bird's living environment is safe. Since birds are
naturally curious you ...
What does a wild Budgerigar look like?
The Wild BudgerigarMelopsittacus undulatus
Budgerigars generally have yellowish green colouring on the back of head, sides of neck and upper ...
What is Molting?
Posted this topic so anyone wondering what moulting is all are some examples.
Moulting is a budgie replacing its ...
Will my budgie talk?
Many people ask the question will my budgie talk?The answer to that question is "maybe"There are different factors in involved. ...