Can I breed young budgies?
Don't look here for approval!!!!
Breeding Budgies under age isn't a good thing to do!
Why you ask -
Well lets state ...
Budgie Food/Diet
Food and NutritionWhat should my budgie eat?
It is very important to remember that a budgie on an all-seed diet is ...
Eggbound Hen
. This is a very serious condition and should be considered a medical emergency.Egg binding occurs when a hen is ...
Can I breed with Young Budgies?
Don't look here for approval!!!!
Breeding Budgies under age isn't a good thing to do!
Why you ask -
Well lets state ...
Bird Bread
2 Cups finely ground pellets
1 Very ripe banana
1/3 Cup wheat germ oil
1/3 Cup vegetable oil ...
Will my budgie talk?
Many people ask the question will my budgie talk?The answer to that question is "maybe"There are different factors in involved. ...
Important Functions and Navigation Tips
Useful links in the The main Menu:
Board Terms, Conditions and Rules – Please become familiar with them
Blogs – You can ...
Lost or Found Budgie
LOST BUDGIE -This is probably one of the most horrible feelings, when your feathered friend becomes lost.
Here are some ...
Birdluv Beak Appetite
A couple of weeks ago, l bought some beak appetit for my budgies and l thought that instead of buying ...
Beak Care
The beak is a multipurpose instrument used for eating, preening, grasping, climbing (like a third foot), self-defense, touching, playing and ...
Creating a Plan
When many decide to get into the show budgerigar side they are usually looking at the open class birds on ...
Evaluation of a Breeder
When looking for a breeder be aware, there are very very good breeders and very very bad breeders. You obviously ...