Budgies life expectancy?
On average budgies can live anything from 10 - 15 years. Very occasionally, budgies have been known to live well into their teens. ...
Handrearing Budgies
Feeding Chicks from newly hatched. The first feed of the day for three days should be a quality yoghurt with ...
Signs of a healthy budgie
The good points to look for are: -
1. A bright, healthy, alert bird with sleek feathering, sitting up proudly on ...
Approved Shortcuts
Internet Text Shortcuts (or slang).
(What is meant by this: Enuf, luv, thanx, woz, plz, phun and so on.) There ...
Colony Breeding vs Closed Breeding
Colony Breeding vs Closed BreedingThere are 2 different methods of breeding to consider if you are planning on breeding your ...
Nesting Box Information
Nest box design, size, shape, and material of construction have been a matter of preference. A standard box is approximately ...