Birdluv Beak Appetite

A couple of weeks ago, l bought some beak appetit for my budgies and l thought that instead of buying this product for them why not make it myself. so l read the ingredients and l came up with this...Created by Birdluv

l used frozen veggies that where already chopped.
- carrots
- corn
- green beans
- peas
- broccoli
(you can add any type of veggies that your budgies like)
next time, l'm going to add some sweet potatoes.

l also added some cooked grains;
- oats
- barley
- cracked wheat.
- couscous

l added some;
- crushed finely eggshells
when l serve this to my birds l add sometimes egg/biscuit mix too.
store bought beak appetit


after l mixed all the ingredients together, l put the mix into ice trays to freeze them. l also put away a small amount of the mix to keep in the fridge for a few days.

l put the trays in my freezer overnight. l ran them under some hot water so they would easily come out of the tray.

l then put them in lockable freezer bag.

to serve, l take one cube and unthaw it. since l only have 2 budgies l only give them half and l put the other half into the fridge for the next time. l serve this to my budgie every second day, the other days l give them fresh food.

Here is a picture of one of my budgies enjoying their meal. it is hard for me to capture them eating it, as soon as they see my camera they fly away 

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