Can I touch the eggs with my hands?

Let’s look at some Facts.

Egg shells are porous and touching the eggs can cause bacteria from the fingers to enter through the shell and kill the chick inside.

The hen regulates the temperature within the nest to keep the eggs at a constant temperature. The tip of our fingers is one of the coldest parts of our bodies. By touching the eggs we can chill them.

The hen constantly turns the eggs to make sure the chick develops correctly. She also moves the eggs from the centre to the outside of the clutch. By touching and lifting the eggs this action is disturbed.

So lifting and constant inspection of eggs really is not recommended.

I inspect every nest box in the morning and afternoon. In regard to eggs, I will mark a newly laid egg with a non toxic water base pen, the nest and number of the laid egg. Eg B9.7. If the egg is in a large clutch I will move /foster to a smaller clutch. I will no longer touch that egg. I will candle the egg as it lies in the nest box with out disturbing it. If after the correct period of time, I see that the egg has not developed (clear). It will be removed and disposed of.

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