Is my budgie getting enough calcium?

Is my budgie getting enough calcium?

A hen requires vitamin D in order to be able to effectively uptake any source of calcium. Vitamin D is absorbed naturally through the sun or by use, mainly in breeding rooms, of cod liver oil soaked seed.

However too much calcium or vitamin D can cause toxicity problems. A hen can get the calcium she requires from any source that you supply, cuttlefish, egg shells or liquid calcium as long as they also have the required level of vitamin D..

All budgies need a healthy diet which includes 30% seed, 30% pellets, 30% fresh foods and 10% treats such as honey sticks, millet etc. Their water should be changed daily to avoid build up of bacteria and they should always have access to a cuttlefish bone (or calcium bell or block) and an iodine block. This gives budgerigars access to all of their daily needs.

When breeding however it has been found to be beneficial to add extra calcium for the hens needs. Many breeders will give soaked seed (seed mixed with a little cod liver oil - left to soak for 24 hours) and liquid calcium.  Please note that soaked seed is not necessary outside of breeding.

Soaked seed:  For every 500ml or 500gm of quality budgie seed add 5ml of cod liver oil and allow to soak for 24 hours prior to feeding to the breeding room.

  • ~2 min
    ID #1134
  • 15-Jun-2007 14:19

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