Household Hazards

Room By Room: Household Hazards To Your Bird
Bedroom: pillows, candles, vases full of water, jewellery, cosmetics fumes

Bathroom: aerosols, lid up on the toilet seat,

Laundry Room: ammonia, bleach, chlorine, cleaners (floor, drain, oven etc), spray starch.

Plants: amarylis, azalea, bird of paradise, blue bonnet, bulb flowers (iris, daffodil, etc), calla lily leaves, crabapple leaves only, eggplant all parts but fruit, elderberry, english ivy, holly, mistletoe, poison ivy/oak/sumac, rhododendrom, rhubarb, skunk cabbage, cherry tree all parts but the fruit.  There are many more you can contact your avian vet or visit our forums for more information.

SAFE Plants: bamboo, beech (American and European), blueberry, dogwood, grape vine, hibiscus, marigolds, mulberry, rose, willow, fern, fig plant (ficus species), grape ivy, herbs, pothos, swedish ivy, spider plant.

Kitchen: uncovered trash cans, open appliances, hot toasters or stove elements, covered pot's on the stove, unsafe foods, household chemicals, overheated non-stick cookware, glasses full of liquid, decorative ceramic ware treated with a lead glaze, sink full of hot water, aerosols, self cleaning ovens when being used to clean. Read about Dangers in the Kitchen.

Foods: alcoholic beverages, avocados, caffeine (coffee, tea, soda), chocolate, moldy foods, mushrooms, raw meat, raw onion, raw peanuts in shell, fruit seeds, salty foods.

Living Room: furniture cushions, toxic houseplants, fireplace matches, full ashtrays, leaded glass sun catchers or lampshades, vases full of water.

Home office: computer cords, pens, markers, staplers, pushpins, scissors, laminators, toner cartridges, lead

Garage/Basement: hot glue guns, paints, solvents, glues, hand or power tools, car cleaning and maintenance products, fertilizer, insecticides, other gardening products, antifreeze, auto products, moth balls, lighter fluid, kerosene, pesticides, propane.

One odourless but deadly fume that may occur in your home is carbon monoxide. To protect your health as well as your birds, scrupulously maintain your furnace, oven, stove, and other appliances that use fossil fuels such as natural gas. Contact your local utility company to find out if it offers free appliance checks for carbon monoxide. If you start to developing flu like symptoms or find yourself suffering from a constant headache or nausea, have a qualified technician check your appliances for possible carbon monoxide emissions.

Hidden Hazards: Fumes

Many fumes found in your home may be harmful to your bird's health. These include cleaning products, cigarettes, incense, potpourri, scented candles, and overheated non-stick cook-ware.

A good rule of thumb to follow is if you can smell it; don't use it around your bird.

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