Quarantine Program

Quarantine is the best way in protecting your existing birds from the introduction of infectious disease. It is also to determine whether or not the new bird or birds are diseased and then to treat the problem. The quarantine cage is where all new birds are housed and ideally it should be in a completely different room where there is no airborne or physical contact.

Recommend days for quarantine are at least 30 days (1 month). Avian Vets recommend 90 days (3 months) for best results as many illness can lay dorminate.

It is strongly recommended you quarantine! If you don't, you could lose all your budgies!

Budgerigar Quarantine ProgramThe following list outlines the steps that should be taken to safely and effectively
quarantine new arrivals to protect your existing flock from potential infection. Most
steps can be applied to any species. The main difference is in the size of the
quarantine cages used.

Bird Quarantine Program

Bird Treatments
1. External Parasites (Lice and Mites)
Spray thoroughly with A.I.L. before putting in quarantine cage.

2. Internal Parasites (Worms)
Treat with Wormout Gel on day one of quarantine
Fill a 1mL syringe with Wormout Gel and deliver. Administer 0.05mL per 100g body weight, once.
Repeat every three months.
All aviary birds add one mL to 80mL of drinking water, for two days. Pigeons - use only half the
dose by adding one mL to 160mL of drinking water. Treat birds for 2 days. Remove all other water
supply. Each pump delivers 2mLs. Aviaries should be treated at least four times a year.

3. Protozoa (Canker/Coccidia): Treat Canker with Ronivet-S; mix 4g per 4L drinking water daily for 5 days. Treat Coccidia with Coccivet; mix 1.5mL per Litre drinking water for 5 days.

4. Psittacosis: Use Psittavet in water; mix 4g per 800mL of drinking water (mix fresh solution daily) daily
for 45 days.

5. Megabacteria: Treat with Megabac-S; mix fresh solution daily for 10 days.

6. Nutrition: Supply extra vitamins (Soluvet), minerals (Tracemin), probiotics (Probotic) and protein for
the entire quarantine period.

Quarantine Conditions

- Budgie/small parrot; Breeding cabinet (600mm x 450mm x 350mm)
- Finch/canary; Budgie breeding cabinet
- Medium/large parrot; 1200mm x 900mm x 900mm
- Cockatoo; 900mm x 900mm x 900mm.
- Inside conditions; separate air space
- Outside conditions; At least 5 meters from other birds.
- Cleaned and disinfected with Avi Safe
- Treated for insects with Avian Insect Liquidator (A.I.L.)
- Paper on bottom of cage.

Hygiene: Clean cages and feed birds in quarantine AFTER normal aviary maintenance
Wash hands with Avi Safe Scrub after attending to quarantine birds
Be careful not to carry droppings, feathers or other waste back into existing aviary
Wash and disinfect food and water containers with Avi Safe daily.

Observation During Quarantine What Should you look for?
The purpose of quarantine is to detect or eliminate potential problems before they can enter
your aviaries. You must observe all birds in quarantine for any signs of disease. Common signs

• Prolonged inactivity
• Eye or nasal discharge
• Weight loss
• Soiled vent or diarrhoea (cages lined with paper make observation of droppings easier)
• Wheezing or gasping.

If any of these signs occur, keep the infected birds separate from your current stock.

Office Address: 3 Bye Street Wagga Wagga NSW, 2650 AUSTRALIA
Postal Address: PO BOX 5244 Wagga Wagga NSW 2650 AUSTRALIA
Tel: (ISD + 61) ( 2) 69 256222 (Six lines) Fax: (02) 69 256333
Email: vetafarm@vetafarm.com.au

We always advise before any home treatment to make an appointment with your Avian Vet.

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    ID #1101
  • 06-Mar-2008 09:18

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