How to Create a Signature & Avatar

Signatures and Avatars on all member accounts. (Not including Administrators and Global Moderators).

Ensure that your signature and / or avatar coincides to with site rules: Administrators and Global Moderators are exempt from such restrictions due to the need to advertise and display information to alert forum members.

Signature:  a picture of your budgie or what you chose (must be approriate for the BBC boards) that is located on the bottom of your post.  You can add your signature through your Control Panel > Edit Signature

Avatar: a personalized picture or you can chose a standard avatar from the forum, (must be approriate for the BBC boards) that is located on the side of your post located under your name. 

Avatar image maximum size: 64x64 pixels (Max 30 kb) Signature image maximum size: 400 (wide) x 200 (high) pixels

Signature Text Restrictions: Maximum of 6 lines of small text (no gaps between lines) or 1 line of large text. The following image formats are allowed in signatures and avatars: gif, jpeg, jpg, swf.

Avatar Upload: We do allow members to upload avatars if absolutely necessary of 64x64px and 10K in size, but we would prefer you to link your images from another server. If your avatar and / or signature contains images over this limit, they may be removed without warning by a forum staff member. Our forum restricts members to certain sizes of avatars, but not signatures as of yet. If a PM or email is sent to you regarding this matter, simply change or resize your images so that they are within the rules, to avoid further action being taken by staff against your account.

We want to and try to be a 56K dialup modem friendly website as not everyone can acquire broadband. Respect others and they will respect you. We also allow flash signatures if members desire, but again must they must coincide with the above rules! However, any animated content in signatures MUST NOT contain any audio. That includes music, sound effects etc. We will stress that if you DO NOT KNOW HOW to edit/resize to make your images to coincide with our rules, do not insert/post them 'assuming' that it will ok and no-one will notice. Staff are on constant lookout and will remove offending signatures/avatars and images immediately. #-----------------------------------------------------------------#

You can click on this link which will go through the process of uploading picture and resizing Instructions: How to Post Images/Pictures

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